Pregnancy Guide, A Number of Exercise Programs for Pregnant Women ~ Pregnancy Guide

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Regular exercise during pregnancy can lead to a better appearance and posture, enhance your feeling of well-being, and lessen some of the discomforts of pregnancy, such as backache and tiredness. The goal of exercise during pregnancy should be to reach or keep a level of fitness that is safe. There is a number of exercise programs designed especially for pregnant women. Your doctor can help you to select exercises that are the best for you.

Here are some prenatal exercises for following a safe and healthy exercise program geared to the special needs of pregnancy:-

Head and Shoulder Circles:

1. Slowly moving your head and shoulders in circles can help relieve upper backache and tension in your head, neck, and shoulders. 

2. Stand or sit in a comfortable position.

3.Inhale while slowly dropping your head toward your left shoulder and circling it to the back and on toward your right shoulder.

4. Exhale while slowly letting your head circles to the front and around to your left shoulder again.

5. Repeat several times.

6. Inhale while slowly moving your right shoulder forward and then upward to form the top half of a circle.

7. Exhale while slowly moving your shoulder to the back and then down to complete the circle.

8. Repeat with your left shoulder.

9. Do three to five repetitions.

Forward Bend

This exercise stretches and relaxes the muscles in your back to help relieve tension and fatigue.

1. Stand with your feet about 12-18 inches apart and your knees slightly bent. As you do this exercise, spread your legs, bend your knees, or do both, as needed for comfort. Don’t try to keep your knees straight.

2. Exhale and bend forward from the waist, letting your upper body slowly sag toward the floor, uncurling slowly.

3. Inhale and slowly uncurl your back, one vertebra at a time, until you are once again standing up straight. (Do not try to keep your back straight or to rise quickly to a standing position, because you may become dizzy.)
exercise for pregnancy

Arm Reaches: 

Stretching your side and upper body helps relieve upper backache. It is also helpful you feel short of breath.

1. First stand or sit in a comfortable position.

2. Inhale as you raise your right arm above your head, reaching as high as you can. (Be sure to stretch from the waist, without letting your arm hip or foot rise.)

3. Exhale, bending your elbow and pulling your arm back down to your side.

4. Repeat on your left side.

5. Do three to five repetitions.

Pelvic Tilt:

Tilting your pelvis back towards your spine can help strengthen your abdominal muscles and relieve backache. This exercise can be done in either a kneeling or standing position.


1. Stand in a comfortable position.

2. Inhale and relax.

3. Exhale as you roll your hips and buttocks forward, as if trying to lift the fetus up toward your chest.

4. Hold for a count of five.

5.Repeat three to five times, several times a day.


1.  Kneel on your hands and knees, with your back relaxed but not arched.

2.  Inhale and relax a moment.

3.  Exhale and pull your buttocks under and forward (you should feel your abdomen tighten and your back straighten at the waist). 

4. Hold for a count of five.

5. Inhale and relax.

Side Leg Stretches:

This exercise improves your circulation and tones and strengthens the muscles of your hips, buttocks, and thighs.

1.  Lie on your left side, with your knees, hips, and shoulders in a straight line. Put your right hand on the floor in front of you, and use your left hand to support your head.

2. Inhale and relax.

3. Exhale while slowly raising your right leg as high as you can without bending your knee or body. 

4. Keep your foot flexed, with your right outside ankle bone facing up.

5. Inhale while slowly lowering your leg.

6. Repeat 10 times.

7. Turn to your right side and repeat 10 times with your left leg.

Leg Stretches:

Stretches your legs relieve tension in your hips and legs and helps relieve or prevent leg cramps.

1. Sit on the floor with your right leg stretched out toward the side, your foot flexed, and your left leg folded in.

2. Facing forward, lean your upper body to the right side, so that your right ear is directing over your right leg. At the same time, lift your left hand over your head, so that it is directly over your left ear.

3. Using this position for a count of 10.

4. Relax and release the stretch.

5. Repeat on the left side.

6.  Do three times (as you feel more comfortable with this exercise, try to hold the stretch longer).

You can change this exercise two different ways for more variety:

1.      Instead of raising your leg all the way up, raise it only halfway and make small circles with it. Make 10 clockwise circles and then 10 counterclockwise circles.

2.      Instead of keeping your upper leg straight, bend your knee so that your upper thigh is at a right angle to your body. Keeping your knee bent, do the side raises, making sure that your knee faces forward and your outer ankle bone faces upward.

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