Pregnancy Guide, The Bad Effects of Alcohol During Pregnancy ~ Pregnancy Guide

Friday, May 22, 2015

About 60% of American women drink alcoholic beverages. There is a difference between alcohol use and alcohol abuse. Some people have one or two drinks on various occasions-that is alcohol use. Others may drink daily or in binges (drinking a large amount of alcohol in a short time)-this is alcohol abuse. The amount of alcohol that separates use from abuse is not clearly defined.

When a pregnant woman drinks alcohol, it quickly reaches the fetus through the mother's bloodstream also goes through the fetus's. A number of studies have been done on infants born to women who drank heavily during pregnancy. Many of the infants were born with a strong pattern of physical, mental, and behavioural problems. This group of problems is called fetal alcohol syndrome.

Babies that had the syndrome were shorter and lighter in weight than normal babies nad did not catch up, ever after special care was provided. They also had small heads; abnormal features of the face, head, joints, and limbs, heart defects; and poor control of movement. Most were mentally retarded and showed a number of behavioural problems, including hyperactivity, extreme  nervousness, and poor attention span. Some of the infants were born with all of these problems; others showed signs of only some of them.

Other factors-Cigarette smoking, use of other drugs, poor diet, problems handling stress-may well play a role in fetal alcohol syndrome. But alcohol itself appears to be the one common agent in all cases. Others factors alone cannot account for the damage.

It appears that the more a mother drinks during pregnancy, the greater the danger to the fetus.. The fetus is especially at risk early in pregnancy, when all of the major body systems are being developed. Alcohol increases the risk of having a miscarriage at this time. The risk is about twice as high in pregnancies complicated by maternal drinking, although perhaps only among women who drink heavily.

One of the questions asked most often about alcohol and pregnancy is whether there is a safe level of alcohol intake. Does the woman who drinks only once in a while put her baby in danger? There is no evidence that an occasional drink is harmful. Women who have and occasional drink seem to have babies with no more problems than those women who drink rarely or not at all.

Moderation is the key. Avoid binges and daily drinking. That type of drinking is more dangerous. Even if you don't binge and you believe your drinking is moderate, it's still best to try to cut down. Reducing intake any time during pregnancy can be beneficial.

It is hard to state how much alcohol puts the fetus at risk. Each fetus may be affected differently. It is best to cut down gradually over a 6-month period before you become pregnant. Because it isn't known how much alcohol is harmful. the safest course is to drink alcohol rarely or not at all during pregnancy. It's just one more way to change your life style in order to increase your chances of having a healthy, normal baby.


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